
Marketing performance reporting

Clients reporting

Making better use customer data to drive future marketing investment decisions

Despite a sophisticated approach to digital marketing and a proliferation of technologies, this global technology business was unable to provide clarity on what marketing activities were performed well. Their ask was simple - what is working - when why and how.

What we did

To answer the challenge we had to unpack the journey of data, at an entity and a field value level, across the environment:

  • What data was being captured by what mechanism (form, uploads etc)
  • What was the source of that data and what was the destination
  • How was that data then being used and by whom

This enabled us to provide a clear perspective of platform roles, identifying where data was sourced, where it was stored, and where it was blocked or unknowingly transformed


By categorising data types and creating a single view of platform purpose we were able to:

  • Identify duplication in platform capability and use case in order to streamline functionality
  • Map data flows from source to destination, identifying the impact on integration points
  • Redesign / create specific processes to enable data integrity to be maintained / adapted - not changed or deleted
  • Define source of truth for key data points to ensure marketing activity performance reports were consistent and accurate
  • Redesign marketing dashboards to provide teams with greater ability to analyse and capture learnings to feed into future planning
Client marketing performance reporting